
The Benefits of double glazing

Double glaze your existing single glazed windows and doors with custom made double glazed units and enjoy the comforts and benefits all year round:

Improved insulation

Can improve window insulation by 73%

Improved energy usage

Reduce heating and cooling costs by maintaining the temperature in your home

Less condensation

Creating a drier, healthier home

Noise reduction

Reduce outside noise by up to 70% for a quieter home

Greater heat retention

Maintain warmth in your home

Drier home

Reduced mould growth for a healthier home

UV protection

Can reduce damage to soft furnishings by 90%

Enhanced security

Two layers of glass are harder to break, making your home more secure.

Increased value

Makes your home more desirable for resale

As part of our service we pride ourselves in making your poorly fitted windows work like new again